Taunton Municipal Lighting Plant (TMLP) has been awarded a $1.25 million grant as part of the Baker-Polito Administration’s Energy Storage Initiative (ESI) Advancing Commonwealth Energy Storage (ACES) program, funded by the Department of Energy Resources (DOER) and administered by the Massachusetts Clean Energy Center (MassCEC). TMLP received the grant to build a 1.5 MW battery storage system to be co-located with their existing 105 MW power plant and 1.5 MW of planned solar PV. This will assist in mitigating both capacity and transmission costs thereby providing savings for the rate payer. It also further enhances their ability to pursue a more reliable, clean, resilient and affordable energy portfolio.
“We thank the Baker-Polito Administration for their commitment to Clean Energy and for their consideration of TMLP with this outstanding grant award,” General Manager Ken Goulart said following the announcement. “We are especially thankful for the continuous efforts by Senate Pro Temp Marc Pacheco as the leader of the entire Senate in Climate Change and also in bringing money home locally. We are equally proud of our House of Representative delegation – Representatives Shaunna O’Connell, Patricia Haddad, Keiko Orrall and Angelo D’Emilia. Their assistance and outreach to the CEC and DOER has strengthened the partnership with TMLP and the residents and businesses in Taunton, Raynham, Berkley, North Dighton, and parts of Lakeville and Bridgewater. Our communities will be helping the Commonwealth move towards a Clean Energy future because of this outstanding program.”
A total of $20 million in energy storage grants awarded through the initiative will benefit 25 communities and draw in $32 million in matching funds, helping to grow the Commonwealth’s energy storage economy. The Baker Administration launched the Energy Storage Initiative in May 2015, with the goal of advancing the energy storage segment of the Massachusetts clean energy industry.
Fractal provided technical design, financial analysis and grant proposal preparation for TMLP. Fractal continues to provide RFP management and owner’s engineering and advisory services to ensure project success. “The goal of the grant was to stimulate design of scalable, duplicatable and cost-effective business models for Massachusetts utilities. TMLP has demonstrated an innovative battery storage project and a powerful strategy to reduce power supply costs related to transmission and capacity fees. The project will be co-located with their gas plant and planned community solar installation,” commented Judy McElroy, CEO of Fractal Energy Storage Consultants.
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