America Leads Global Energy Storage Development, But China’s Catching Up

on April 11, 2018

Greentech-MediaEnergy storage has gone global, but in a lumpy and heterogeneous way.

That’s the upshot of new report on worldwide storage deployments from GTM Research.

The U.S. and Australia led the pack in 2017, thanks to several mega-projects coming online, and market drivers that reward storage investment. Germany and Australia thrive in the residential storage segment, which hasn’t achieved significant scale in the U.S.

China is just getting started, but could surpass almost everyone in deployments over the next five years.

Most of these markets have barely emerged from their pilot stages, and offer very few use cases for storage that can earn a profit. Expect that to change rapidly in the coming years. In the meantime, here’s what you need to know about the global energy storage market.

And the first place goes to…

It depends on what you’re counting.

For power capacity, Australia’s 2017 deployment of 246 megawatts beat out the U.S. and every other nation. Tesla’s record setting Hornsdale project played a pivotal role, delivering 100 megawatts in one go.

Based on energy capacity, though, the U.S. remained top dog with 431 megawatt-hours deployed last year. Australia came in second on that metric, followed by Germany, China and Japan.

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Fractal Energy Storage ConsultantsAmerica Leads Global Energy Storage Development, But China’s Catching Up