Energy Storage Helps SoCal Utility Better Integrate Renewables

on October 25, 2016

north-american-wind-powerCleantech energy storage company Advanced Microgrid Solutions (AMS) and the Southern California-based Inland Empire Utilities Agency (IEUA) have launched a water-energy project using advanced energy storage systems to better integrate renewable power, reduce demand on the electric grid and lower costs.

IEUA, a water supplier and wastewater facility, says it has installed 3.65 MW of energy storage projects at six regional water-recycling facilities and pump stations across its service area – helping meet the water demand of a thirsty SoCal and saving the agency 5%-10% on its energy costs each year.

Notably, the storage system will also help integrate IEUA’s renewable resources, which include 1 MW of wind, 3.5 MW of solar and 2.8 MW of biofuel cell generation.

According to IEUA, the first-of-their-kind systems have already been activiated.

“We remain proud of our investments in energy efficiency, renewable generation and sustainable water management practices,” said Terry Catlin, the agency’s board president. “Energy storage is the key to maximizing the value of those investments, allowing us to use our resources more efficiently, reduce costs for our customers and participate in building a more resilient electric grid for the whole region.”

“IEUA’s leadership when it comes to water management and renewable energy is recognized across the whole industry,” added Susan Kennedy, founder and CEO of AMS. “Displaying the foresight to tackle the water-energy nexus head on is further demonstration of that leadership on behalf of the agency, the industry and water customers all throughout its service territory.”

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AMS installs 3.65 MW of battery storage at California water agency

on October 25, 2016

energy storage utility driveMoving water takes a big bite out of municipal budgets, particularly in places like Southern California, which has to import so much of its water supplies. That makes water use a prime target for energy savings.

The California Energy Commission estimates that moving and treating of water, and the treatment and disposal of wastewater and the energy used to heat and consume water account for nearly 20% of the electricity consumed in the state.

In addition to existing solar and wind power, in 2010 IEUA installed the largest fuel cell system powered by renewable biogas in the world and lowered its energy consumption by nearly 25% with using energy efficiency measures. The agency also had the first public building in the nation to be awarded a LEED platinum rating.

The opportunity to reduce demand charges makes batteries especially attractive for water utilities. AMS inked a deal for 7 MW, 34 MWh of storage at the Irvine Ranch Water District last month, and in July the company secured $200 million in funding from Maquarie to construct 300 MWh of capacity resources and demand management for utilities and certain commercial, industrial water and university customers in southern California.

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Utility DiveAMS installs 3.65 MW of battery storage at California water agency

UK’s Solar Boom Won’t Boost Energy Storage for Now

on October 25, 2016

energy storage greentech mediaPV is now producing more electricity than coal in the U.K. But don’t expect a storage boom to follow.

According to GTM Research’s Global Solar Demand Monitor, the U.K. is the fifth largest market for solar demand globally — although installations are set to drop 65 percent next year due to policy uncertainty.

In addition, concerns over the eligibility for subsidies are forcing asset owners to delay adding storage to PV projects, said Jill Cainey, director of the Electricity Storage Network. 

The U.K. PV industry is largely supported through a Renewables Obligation Certificates (ROC) scheme that was designed before the advent of solar-plus-storage plant designs. 

PV asset owners wishing to add storage to their plants would have to reapply for ROC accreditation with their distribution network operator. Payments under the ROC scheme would then be suspended pending the outcome of the accreditation process. 

Even though any interim payments would still be awarded once the accreditation was granted, the temporary halt in cash flow “is something an investor would not be excited about,” Cainey said. 

This month, she attended a U.K. renewable energy trade show, Clean Energy Live, and “there were no solar farms deploying storage.” 

At the same time, the U.K. market for residential solar-plus-storage looks unlikely to take off in the near future because of unfavorable economics. 

Recent research by Delta Energy & Environment suggests the payback time for U.K. residential PV-plus-storage could be 16.9 years for a new system and 24.5 years for a retrofit, not taking subsidies into account.   

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GreenTech MediaUK’s Solar Boom Won’t Boost Energy Storage for Now

EVgo Receives Energy Storage North America 2016 Innovation Award

on October 24, 2016

energy storage cleantechnicaOne of the top electric vehicle charging station firms in the US, EVgo, has won an Energy Storage North America 2016 Innovation Award for its Stationary Storage + Electric Charging (SSPEC) project, according to an email sent to CleanTechnica.

To explain, the EVgo SSPEC project was created to help develop ways of lowering the cost and immediate power demand of electric vehicle (EV) charging to host facilities. To be more specific, it explores the incorporation of energy storage with DC Fast Charging infrastructure.

The project used 4 BMW Group 2nd-life batteries taken from retired test fleet EVs. The batteries were used alongside a solar photovoltaic (PV) system and intelligent site power control.

“DC Fast Charging plus storage presents an exciting opportunity for drivers and charging companies alike,” stated Terry O’Day, Vice President, Product Strategy and Market Development at EVgo. “This project has the potential to shortcut some of the barriers facilities face when looking to install DC Fast Charging stations by reducing operating costs, improving charging service and convenience for EV drivers, and ultimately can help to put more electric vehicles on the road.”

The email provides more information: “For the SSPEC project, EVgo partnered with the University of California San Diego, which is recognized as one of the top 15 research universities worldwide and operates what is considered one of the world’s most advanced microgrids. EVgo worked with UC San Diego to locate a demonstration site on the campus microgrid that would also ensure the stations would be accessible to the public and which results in the chargers serving over 100 drivers per week. The project is part of the CPUC Technology Demonstration Program, a program designed to help demonstrate the benefits of energy storage coupled with public DC Fast Charging stations.”

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Could Desalination Be a New Energy Storage Market?

on October 24, 2016

energy storage greentech mediaA boom in desalination could create new opportunities for energy storage as developers seek to maximize output from assets powered by wind or solar.

“As soon as solar-plus-storage can compete with [traditional] generation prices, there will be a huge market,” said Thomas Hillig, managing director of Dr. Thomas Hillig Energy Consulting, a consultancy focused on off-grid energy markets.

“It’s pretty important to have high utilization, because the desalination equipment is very capital-intensive. After having done the investment, they want to run it as intensely as possible. If we go off-grid, there has to be storage because utilization has to be high.”

Currently the market for energy storage attached to desalination plants is still in its infancy because of the cost of batteries. With most desalination projects, “You pretty much have the choice of where to put them,” Hillig noted.

In such cases, developers will naturally tend to choose locations where energy is cheap and plentiful. Thus, for the vast majority of desalination plants today, solar-plus-storage is still “not feasible. It’s a nice concept; a market of the future,” he said. 

But the picture is changing as demand for desalination grows and solar-plus-storage becomes more competitive. Currently, desalination serves around 1 percent of the global population, or almost 746 million people.

But desalination capacity increased 57 percent between 2008 and 2013, according the market research organization Global Water Intelligence (GWI) and the International Desalination Association.

GWI said desalination could be needed for up to 14 percent of the world population by 2025, based on United Nations figures for water scarcity. Renewable energy is already being considered as the power source of choice for many new desalination projects.

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GreenTech MediaCould Desalination Be a New Energy Storage Market?

Researchers See Potential in Advancing Energy Storage Technology at Syracuse Conference

on October 22, 2016

executive-bizLockheed Martin has implemented an energy storage system at the company’s facility in Syracuse, New York, and selected electric utility firm ENGIE to support operation of the system.

The GridStar lithium storage is designed to help Lockheed reduce power consumption and carbon emissions as well as to provide energy supply to the New York Independent System Operator, Lockheed said Wednesday.

Lockheed’s energy business designed the installation using project analytics tools and ENGIE-made energy storage operating software.

Frank Armijo, vice president of Lockheed’s energy unit, said the company provides turnkey energy storage services to various utilities, independent power producers, commercial and industrial customers and developers in efforts to help clients meet sustainability goals.

GridStar comprises modular, scalable, purpose-built energy storage units and each  storage unit is designed to generate up to 375 kilowatts of power and store up to 600 kilowatt hours of energy.

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Executive BizResearchers See Potential in Advancing Energy Storage Technology at Syracuse Conference

Doosan GridTech clinches first US energy storage deal

on October 21, 2016

power engineerEnergy storage company Doosan GridTech has won its first project in the US.

The deal will see the US-based firm supply advanced energy storage solutions for solar power generation to the Kingsbury substation, which is operated by Texas utility Austin Energy.

The contract marks the company’s first order since South Korea‘s Doosan Group acquired US-based storage software solutions provider 1Energy Systems three months ago and changed its name to Doosan GridTech, which is now part of Doosan Heavy Industries & Construction.

Doosan GridTech chief executive Dae-jin Choi said: “The global energy storage systems  market is projected to grow exponentially at an average annual rate exceeding 20 per cent.

“Doosan will increase the competitiveness of its integrated solutions by banking on its advanced software technologies, and will be supplying more of its energy-efficient storage system solutions in the North American region.”

Doosan Heavy Industries & Construction entered the energy storage and microgrid market in September 2015 when it won a contract to supply a 2.4 MW storage solution to the Korea Power Exchange.

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PowerEngineeringDoosan GridTech clinches first US energy storage deal

NEC Energy Solutions to supply Sterling, Massachusetts with battery grid energy storage

on October 21, 2016

Electric-Light-and-PowerNEC Energy Solutions, a unit of NEC Corp., announced that it is supplying the Sterling Municipal Light Department of Sterling, Massachusetts with a 2 MW, 3.9 MWh GSS grid energy storage solution.

Once complete in December of this year, it will be the largest battery-based energy storage system installed in New England and the first utility scale project in Massachusetts.

It will improve grid resiliency against weather-related power outages, while providing enhanced clean energy usage and cost savings to the town of Sterling. Town, State and NEC ES officials commemorated the project today in an official groundbreaking ceremony.

To reduce Sterling’s carbon footprint, SMLD has been installing large amounts of photovoltaic solar and is currently ranked seventh in the nation in installed PV per capita. However, SMLD desired greater resiliency and further modernization of its grid.

The energy storage system will work in conjunction with the overall installed base of PV solar to provide the needed energy resiliency, particularly to critical town departments such as police, dispatch, and fire service.

It will also provide transmission capacity charge savings from reducing peak demand, which will deliver energy cost saving benefits to the community. NEC ES is providing its turn-key GSS energy storage solution which includes a single 53’ container housing 3.9MWh of lithium ion batteries, a 2MW power conversion system, and proprietary NEC ES AEROS controls software suite. NEC ES will also provide service and maintenance packages to SMLD for the GSS energy storage installation.

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Electric Light and PowerNEC Energy Solutions to supply Sterling, Massachusetts with battery grid energy storage

Transformation of Global Electric Industry Depends on Energy Storage

on October 21, 2016

transmission-and-distributionIn the concluding chapter for the World Energy Council’s World Energy Resources 2016report, DNV GL asserts that energy storage is playing an increasingly crucial role in the transformation to a cleaner, smarter, safer energy future worldwide.

“Energy storage is pivotal to meeting the challenges facing economies worldwide,” says Paul Gardner, lead author. “With this chapter, which follows sections on a variety of generation resources and technologies, we hope to present the challenges and opportunities in energy storage with a thorough examination of the economic, regulatory and commercial factors surrounding it.”

The chapter examines technical, financial, environmental and regulatory aspects of a variety of energy storage technologies including lithium-ion and flow batteries. It looks at the impact of increasing amounts of battery storage, and battery capacity in electric vehicles. Graphs depict storage technologies according to performance characteristics, using energy capacity and discharge time at rated power. Information gathered directly by PwC shows the levelised cost of storage in 2015 compared to the cost of 2030 in a bar graph, showing a projected decrease in future prices.  The chapter develops three major conclusions:

  1. The main areas of growth in the next five years are likely to be in small-scale battery storage in conjunction with solar PV; in utility-scale electricity storage; in electric vehicles; in commercial, communications and software capabilities to allow DER to be aggregated, in a ‘virtual power plant’ or ‘swarm’; in pumped storage hydro; and in islanded use cases integrating renewables.
  2. Most commercial interest is in battery storage and the costs of several storage technologies will fall as production volumes increase.
  3. The future outlook for energy storage markets is good due to an increasing need, but the regulatory and legal frameworks are failing to keep pace.

According to the World Energy Council, the investment community has good reason to be excited about the innovation and business models that will emerge from new opportunities. With the cost of capturing and storing wind and solar energy coming down, its deployment across the world will increase.

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Lockheed Martin Commissions GridStar™ Energy Storage System in New York

on October 20, 2016

PR-NewswireSYRACUSE, N.Y., Oct. 19, 2016 /PRNewswire/ — Lockheed Martin (NYSE: LMT) has installed its GridStar™ Lithium energy storage system at the company’s Syracuse, New York, facility. The 1 MW system will reduce electricity bills and emissions for Lockheed Martin’s operations and will also provide services to the New York Independent System Operator (NYISO), the state’s competitive wholesale electricity operator. ENGIE, a global independent power producer and energy services provider, will operate the system and dispatch the power.

“We provide turn-key energy storage solutions for a variety of utilities, independent power producers, commercial and industrial customers and developers,” said Frank Armijo, vice president of Lockheed Martin Energy.  “As we provide customers with advanced energy solutions, we’re pleased also to implement them at our own facilities to further our affordability and sustainability goals.”

System Capabilities

Lockheed Martin Energy used the company’s advanced project analytics capabilities to design the installation.  The project deploys Lockheed Martin’s compact, easy-to-install GridStar™ fully integrated Lithium energy storage system.

Lockheed Martin and ENGIE integrated the GridStar™ system with ENGIE’s energy storage operating software to achieve a multi-functional application of energy storage.  

“This project is a great opportunity to combine multiple capabilities in the growing market for decentralized energy management,” saidJason Goodhand, director of energy storage for ENGIE North America. “By pairing Lockheed Martin’s system with our Green Charge subsidiary’s advanced, patented software as well as ENGIE’s experience in scheduling and dispatching power, we bring together a powerful solution that supports Lockheed Martin’s goals and enhances the flexibility and resiliency of the broader power grid of the New York ISO.”

The Lockheed Martin GridStar™ Lithium architecture consists of modular, scalable, purpose-built energy storage units that contain batteries, local-controls software and all required balance-of-system components. Each GridStar™ energy storage unit can be configured to provide up to 375 kW of power and up to 600 kWh of energy storage. These units can be AC coupled together to scale to multi-MW projects.  Systems also come with extended warranty and long-term maintenance options.

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PR NewswireLockheed Martin Commissions GridStar™ Energy Storage System in New York